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Welcome to my humble corner in the world of TS1 custom content!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Policy Update!

With influx of new Sims 1 players after a re-release it came to my attention, that my files along with files from other active Sims 1 sites/creators are being shared as part of cc-collections/bundles.

While I wasn't actually active in last few years, this site is still up and running and my files are available for everyone and totally free.

I see collections sharing as a very harmful practice. And by offering or downloading them, you show nothing, but outright disrespect of our hard work.

So, from now on, I forbid to include any of my creations to these collections or furnished lots downloads. Instead, please, direct people to this site.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for sharing, especially when it comes to lost or unavailable stuff from long gone sites. But don't do this to us, active creators. Actually it's not many of us left.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My files from other sites-5

Once again a compilation of my works outside this blog (June 2016 to August 2017):

This one is from 2015 actually, but wasn't shared publicly before. Table, chair, ceiling lamp, wall shelf and floor tile. Plant is from one of my earlier sets here – Modern Collection #1. Walls are yet to be released at some point. 

Birthday-2016 gift to my beloved Genie @ N99. You may request it in THIS thread. The sideboard is pre-cluttered and thus is deco only.

My lovely affiliate Watersim wanted a 50's sofa, so I did one plus some more objects to go with it. Find it among Downloads on her SITE.

This is a gift to my wonderful friend and Muse – Nyx for her Birthday-2016. It’s available on her second site – TheSimsEmporium under a gifts section.

One more thing, not available for wide public before. Just a single vase, made on friend's request.

A gift to adorable JustDenise, who is a fan of "Sherlock" series as well. She kindly shared this gift on TerraLuna Sims 1 forum. To get it you have to register if you're not a member already. Available in THIS thread. Functional stereo (backless, as it's meant to hang on wall) and deco speaker.

This year's gift for Genie's Birthday. Available for request in THIS thread at N99 forum. Candle is a permanently lit lamp actually (not animated).

This is a gift for TerraLuna forum members and thus available only THERE. Not an actual fountain, but a rug-based deco flowerbed.

And latest so far – participation entry for Creator's Challenge #1 at TerraLuna. This is my first ever completely finished window and despite all flaws I'm very proud of it. Get it in THIS thread.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

A gift...

Lately a biggest gift for me is a spare time, so on my Birthday I had a day off from work and indulged in creating. Here is a result:

My heartfelt thanks to Angela @ TSR for generous permission to convert her lovely objects to Sims 1.

What's included: chair, curtains, lamp, painting, rug, table, sideboard and vase.
Not included: plants (from the game), floor by Nyx, wall by NanaWildflowers, window by Gookabee (closed).

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Sugar overdose

These things are too sweet to resist, aren't they? :-P

So, what do we have here?
First and foremost - functional phone! Needs "Hot Date" EP. Unpack object and skin files to any sub-folder in your Downloads.
Also functional iPod in a dock - as usual goes anywhere from floor to shelves and have all music stations included, so may require House Party & Vacation EPs.
All the rest - baskets, hair dryer and pinboard are just deco.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Phew! Finally, I moved all Clutter Factory pics from PB to another service. Also added download links for all my files previously available only at CTO (look under "gifts by me" tag). Enjoy!

Still have to fix pictures on Nocturnal Market and some broken DL links on both sites.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Deco magazines to clutter walls and surfaces in your game. These are conversions of MXIMS TS4 objects:

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Due latest Photobucket's policy change all my pics aren't showing anymore and I'm slowly moving them to another photohosting service. This will take some time. So, please, bear with me, while I'm trying to fix this.

Bags collection #5

Sorry, guys, for not updating in almost a year, but RL keeps me busy and away from Sims most of the time.
But it is a summer... And summers are for fun, aren't they? So, I allowed myself recently to dedicate some time for simming. And finally have an update! It's small, but I hope you'll like it:
Just an overnight bag in 8 colors. Not deco-only this time - it is a fully-functional dresser, which can be placed anywhere. It's a conversion from TS4 object by Leo Sims.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Burst of color

Each color mural has 10 pieces – five for the 1st and five for the 2nd floor. Yes, I went a bit overboard, but wasn't able to stop... Not a conversion this time, as it was inspired by a photo I stumbled upon recently.

My first take on Midcentury Modern

This is what the request of single sofa turned into, lol... Two sets of 8 objects each. The first one "Sage-brush, honey & lime" is a gift for WatersimYMD (Look under Sims > Objects > More Objects and in her YG). And here is a second color option set:

Be careful with floor lamp and chair placement – both are oversized, so they bleed through walls.